wasp7ty: enterprised11_4
wasp7ty: vortex modified2
wasp7ty: parts organizer
wasp7ty: enterprise
wasp7ty: transformer macro
wasp7ty: ginko biloba
wasp7ty: mayapples in fagus forrest
wasp7ty: robin's nest
wasp7ty: quercus prinus
wasp7ty: IMG_0247
wasp7ty: IMG_0245
wasp7ty: IMG_0222
wasp7ty: IMG_0223
wasp7ty: IMG_0226
wasp7ty: understory in young pine forest2
wasp7ty: under story in young pine forest
wasp7ty: IMG_0196
wasp7ty: route 80 crosses the delaware
wasp7ty: delaware water gap and clouds in reflection
wasp7ty: spirantes
wasp7ty: bur dock flower buds
wasp7ty: indian's pipes
wasp7ty: Pteridium aquilinum
wasp7ty: red eft
wasp7ty: yellow water lillies
wasp7ty: raspberry close up
wasp7ty: young baby robin on chair
wasp7ty: red orange bark of Maclura pomifera Osage Orange
wasp7ty: virginia blue bells in front of neshaminy creek