*king of carrot flowers: En octubre, ya sabés!
*king of carrot flowers: ¿dónde está dorian?
*king of carrot flowers: el gato adicto al uso de suavizante al acicalarse
*king of carrot flowers: "esteeem, sí, ¿puedo? me gustaría recuperar un poquito de protagonismo..."
*king of carrot flowers: con uds.: dorian
*king of carrot flowers: sleep kitschy, zzzleep...
*king of carrot flowers: Pixie is a punk rocker
*king of carrot flowers: Pixie loves techno too!
*king of carrot flowers: surrealistic pillow (revisited)
*king of carrot flowers: cat city rocker
*king of carrot flowers: cat city rocker
*king of carrot flowers: "as gatinhas brasileiras temos olhos mais bonitos e sabemos sambar, nao como as argentinas!"
*king of carrot flowers: ¡basta de matanza de focas!
*king of carrot flowers: Antenas y parabólicas