Washee: lunch time.
Washee: gänseblümchen.
Washee: late summer trilogy.
Washee: altweibersommer.
Washee: late summer findings.
Washee: schafsbrücke.
Washee: dragonfly.
Washee: Be like the flower, turn your face to the sun.
Washee: gestrüpp am zaun.
Washee: A life without love is like a year without summer.
Washee: tendril.
Washee: barbed.
Washee: grasses.
Washee: What is a weed?
Washee: quatrain.
Washee: nature's fence.
Washee: daydream.
Washee: little curl.
Washee: a light exists in spring.
Washee: peacock.
Washee: birch twigs.
Washee: cherry blossom.
Washee: When spider webs unite, they can tie up a lion.
Washee: clinging to life.
Washee: apple blossom.
Washee: lying in wait.
Washee: huflattich.
Washee: ahorn.
Washee: happy easter.