WasatchWanderer: Flaming Gorge in hibernation
WasatchWanderer: Exploding with wildflowers above Alta/Snowbird
WasatchWanderer: Look out! Moon still rolling...
WasatchWanderer: Sunset/moonrise in La Paz, Mexico
WasatchWanderer: Wild buffaloes enjoying life on Antelope Island
WasatchWanderer: High desert snow capped mountains
WasatchWanderer: An Eastern Utah panoramic plateau sunset
WasatchWanderer: Zig zags
WasatchWanderer: The lookout
WasatchWanderer: A beautiful creation of our evolving earth
WasatchWanderer: Summer Fireweed vibrant and full at 10,000 ft
WasatchWanderer: Flaming Gorge
WasatchWanderer: Sprawling Wasatch mountains
WasatchWanderer: The perfect ending
WasatchWanderer: Playing in the middle of the street
WasatchWanderer: High-desert storms
WasatchWanderer: Colors in the desert
WasatchWanderer: Nature's Construction Zone: Canyons being carved.
WasatchWanderer: Overlooking Red Pine Lake
WasatchWanderer: Golden Gate Bridge San Francisco, CA
WasatchWanderer: '69 Camaro
WasatchWanderer: A force of nature
WasatchWanderer: Buffalo Siesta
WasatchWanderer: A few of my favorite things
WasatchWanderer: Simple beauty
WasatchWanderer: Nature’s last light show
WasatchWanderer: A river runs through it
WasatchWanderer: Partly Cloudy with a chance of snow
WasatchWanderer: Exploding angles
WasatchWanderer: Taking a moment to observe the past ...