Soot yourself...:
Crossing the Little Tugela
Soot yourself...:
Durban old mainline
Soot yourself...:
19AR to Bergville
Soot yourself...:
19AR in the Natal Midlands
Soot yourself...:
19AR at Hongerspoort
Soot yourself...:
Steam on Van Reenen's
Soot yourself...:
Van Reenen's viaduct
Soot yourself...:
Van Reenen's Pass summit
Soot yourself...:
Leaving Harrismith
Soot yourself...:
Soot yourself...:
Bad weather in the Free State
Soot yourself...:
Stormy skies
Soot yourself...:
Soot yourself...:
A wise man once said....
Soot yourself...:
The Valley near Fouriesburg
Soot yourself...:
Steam & Safaris 'Getting it Right'
Soot yourself...:
3410 at Kommandonek
Soot yourself...:
Rounding Owanty Curve
Soot yourself...:
Crossing the Mc Cabes Spruit
Soot yourself...:
Free State flatness
Soot yourself...:
Leaving De Brug
Soot yourself...:
Modder River at sunset
Soot yourself...:
6th Reverse
Soot yourself...:
New England
Soot yourself...:
Lynndale photo stop
Soot yourself...:
Screaming flanges
Soot yourself...:
Kraai River Valley
Soot yourself...:
Destination Barkly East
Soot yourself...:
Kraai River Valley
Soot yourself...:
Dawn departure