warthog9: Looking across the desert
warthog9: Carlsbad Caverns center
warthog9: Proof or it didn't happen
warthog9: Bungalos
warthog9: We might have a problem...
warthog9: Desert
warthog9: Bat viewing ampitheater
warthog9: Pano of the cave entrance
warthog9: Budding
warthog9: Into the breach
warthog9: On our way down
warthog9: Roosting
warthog9: Home Sweet Home
warthog9: Path into darkness
warthog9: Looking back
warthog9: Strange new world
warthog9: Growing up
warthog9: More looking back
warthog9: Lens Flare
warthog9: Path ahead
warthog9: Curtained walls
warthog9: Growing up and down
warthog9: Further and further down
warthog9: Lighting
warthog9: Veils
warthog9: Whales mouth
warthog9: Switchbacks
warthog9: Stalagmites
warthog9: vast underground space
warthog9: Crazy