warthog9: Marty Loves the Tinkertoys
warthog9: Schwag!
warthog9: Insert Chaos for Scheduling
warthog9: Leslie Addressing the audience
warthog9: Chris DiBona
warthog9: Leslie: I dunno
warthog9: The Infinite Photo
warthog9: Everyone has a laptop!
warthog9: Hosting Talk: Bash on Sourceforge
warthog9: The Schedule
warthog9: ARRRR!
warthog9: Casablanca: Craziness ensues
warthog9: Playdoh, Laptops and tinkerytoys - AWESOME!
warthog9: Tinkering up a demo for game control using legos and playdoh
warthog9: Lounging in Casablanca
warthog9: Lego based pong!
warthog9: Playdoh Strawberries
warthog9: Somber moments of insanity
warthog9: Play Mobile Egyptian
warthog9: GSoC Mentors : getting younger every year!
warthog9: Marty is from Mars, the rest of us are from Earth
warthog9: Blue Stegasaurus!
warthog9: Hallway Track
warthog9: Round Circle discussions
warthog9: Debating how to get to the moon!
warthog9: Fishbowl!
warthog9: Multi-monitor Google Earth
warthog9: Google
warthog9: Hot Tubbing
warthog9: Pizza Party @ Wild Palms