warthog9: Dad staring into space
warthog9: Empty Podium
warthog9: College of Engineering - The University of Iowa
warthog9: Where's Jeff?
warthog9: Opening of Commencement
warthog9: Student Speaker
warthog9: Introducing the guest speaker
warthog9: Guest Speaker
warthog9: Jeff shaking hands
warthog9: Jeff I'm going to make it, I'm going to graduate!
warthog9: Jeff receiving an empty binder and a paper weight!
warthog9: Smile for the Camera!
warthog9: Sweet I did it, quick run for the hills!
warthog9: Jeff is really quite happy, it's over, it's done - now only 2 mo
warthog9: Jeff smiling like a crazed mad man!
warthog9: Jeff is the new smiling man
warthog9: Mom accepting the praise of putting up with Jeff for the past 4
warthog9: Friend of the Family
warthog9: Jeff caught unawares
warthog9: Jeff - really is smiling man
warthog9: But his smile can crack
warthog9: pffft to you too!
warthog9: Jeff
warthog9: mmmm Yummies cake!
warthog9: Cut with only the precision an engineer can provide: none!
warthog9: Is this a cake or a mousse?
warthog9: Cake to mousse ratio is low, much mousse, less cake