warthog9: View down the Main Hall
warthog9: Uroborus
warthog9: Adjustable Plaything
warthog9: Spark Generator
warthog9: Hand-Crank Generator
warthog9: Alternating vs. Direct Current
warthog9: Fashion Show
warthog9: Electronic Wears
warthog9: Bright Pink
warthog9: Bubblewrap Skirt
warthog9: Newspapers Attire
warthog9: Recycled Clothing
warthog9: Yo-Yo League Competition
warthog9: Palaca of Fine Arts Columns
warthog9: Celtic Scaffolding
warthog9: Terri Playing in the Water
warthog9: The Water will get your toes!
warthog9: :-)
warthog9: COLD COLD COLD!
warthog9: Terri glaring at the water
warthog9: Terri - The Fresh Sea Air
warthog9: Best foot forward
warthog9: Terri - Walking along the beach
warthog9: Terri - Soaking up the sun
warthog9: Terri - not my feet again!
warthog9: Doh!
warthog9: Ohhh well - Sun!
warthog9: Palaca of Fine Arts
warthog9: San Francisco Bay (pano)