warthog9: Time for a good breakfast at Cora's!
warthog9: Memorial to the Fallen firefighters
warthog9: Key to the City of Ottawa
warthog9: The City of Ottawa
warthog9: Ottawa Shell
warthog9: Totem poles?!
warthog9: Sitting on top of the world
warthog9: Going for a swim
warthog9: Sparkley meats the RCMP
warthog9: Sparkley learns of Terry Fox
warthog9: Sparkley warms up and find Parliament
warthog9: Sparkley attacks Parliament
warthog9: I found a Unicorn!
warthog9: House of Commons
warthog9: House of Commons with Sparkley
warthog9: Parliamentary Library
warthog9: Parliamentary Library v2
warthog9: Card Catalog
warthog9: Carvings in the library
warthog9: Sparkley in the senate
warthog9: The three chairs in the Senate
warthog9: Having tea with the Famous 5
warthog9: Sparkley checks the paper
warthog9: Sparkley pines for home
warthog9: Sparkely goes for a ride
warthog9: Sparkely learns to Skate!