V Threepio:
Fair food!
V Threepio:
Look of determination
V Threepio:
Cool to see old people staying active!
V Threepio:
I like how there's one dude on there
V Threepio:
Sniffing a rose
V Threepio:
V Threepio:
Your Emu
V Threepio:
Uhm, she wanted to take a pic with me
V Threepio:
Getting curls in Deandra's hair
V Threepio:
Did I ruin the shot?
V Threepio:
That looks like fun!
V Threepio:
V Threepio:
Robot transforming....thing.
V Threepio:
Guy posing with a sausage
V Threepio:
Del Mar
V Threepio:
V Threepio:
V Threepio:
look at me jump?
V Threepio:
and fall
V Threepio:
One Nation Under Surveillance
V Threepio:
Air Ballons over Del Mar Fair
V Threepio:
Make Love Not War
V Threepio:
Wierdo ^_^
V Threepio:
Master balancing techniques ^_^
V Threepio:
Matrix jump
V Threepio:
Chad posing with the horses
V Threepio:
V Threepio:
You shall not pass!
V Threepio:
I'm so cool!
V Threepio: