WarriorMare: Dungannon Banner
WarriorMare: Christus Rex processional cross
WarriorMare: Altar behind the organ
WarriorMare: History of the organ
WarriorMare: Facing the altar, down the main aisle
WarriorMare: Closer look at the organ console
WarriorMare: Baptismal Font and Altar
WarriorMare: Piano and Organ
WarriorMare: Incredible worship space
WarriorMare: Banner and votives
WarriorMare: Pews and Organ
WarriorMare: View into the nave from the side door
WarriorMare: Banner in the nave
WarriorMare: Patron saint
WarriorMare: View over the back door
WarriorMare: Lakota Blessing
WarriorMare: Hanging Quilt
WarriorMare: Courtyard, from the stairs
WarriorMare: Architectural Model of the Recent Expansion
WarriorMare: Floor Plan - You are HERE!
WarriorMare: Playground, behind the church
WarriorMare: Back entrance at St. Timothy's
WarriorMare: Back entrance to St. Timothy's
WarriorMare: Path to side entrance
WarriorMare: Mama Tree and Baby Tree
WarriorMare: St. Timothy's
WarriorMare: Tree against the gorgeous blue sky
WarriorMare: Little critter house
WarriorMare: Playground from the side of the church
WarriorMare: Trees along the side of the church