wplynn: Group Photo w/ words
wplynn: Group Photo
wplynn: Fiona enjoys the active life
wplynn: Fiona fetches for the first time
wplynn: Fiona watching the action
wplynn: Twins of different litters
wplynn: Water Break
wplynn: Corgi and Border Collie
wplynn: Competition Fetch
wplynn: Here comes the pack
wplynn: Bump and run
wplynn: Neck and neck
wplynn: The ol' Corgi nip
wplynn: running free
wplynn: Leaning in
wplynn: Lots of room to run
wplynn: Playful romp
wplynn: Enjoying retrieving ball
wplynn: Playing fetch
wplynn: who are you?
wplynn: Watchful pup
wplynn: focused
wplynn: On the run
wplynn: Trotting Corgi
wplynn: Heading toward momma
wplynn: Something catches her eye
wplynn: Tina is on the run
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