wplynn: Great Egret
wplynn: Stalking Great Egret
wplynn: Great Blue Heron and Great Egret fishing together
wplynn: Great Blue Heron
wplynn: wading Great Blue Heron
wplynn: Black-crowned Night Heron
wplynn: Orange-crowned Warbler 3
wplynn: female Ruddy Duck
wplynn: Double-crested Cormorant drying out
wplynn: Perched Neo-tropic Cormorant
wplynn: Northern Shoveler -- moving-to-breeding male
wplynn: Northern Shoveler -- non-breeding male
wplynn: Least Sandpiper 01
wplynn: Least Sandpiper 02
wplynn: Eastern Phoebe
wplynn: Killdeer
wplynn: Killdeer
wplynn: Killdeer
wplynn: Killdeer
wplynn: Killdeer
wplynn: Yellow-rumped Warbler in grass
wplynn: Yellow-rumped Warbler on driftwood
wplynn: Yellow-rumped Warbler at shoreline
wplynn: Black-necked Stilt 01
wplynn: Black-necked Stilt 02
wplynn: Black-necked Stilt 03
wplynn: Black-necked Stilt 04
wplynn: a pair of Black-necked Stilts
wplynn: a trio of American White Pelicans
wplynn: floating American White Pelican