wplynn: Woodford photo op
wplynn: Woodford Reserve display
wplynn: how bourbon is bourbon
wplynn: makings of bourbon
wplynn: Discussing Fermentation
wplynn: Early Fermentation
wplynn: 7,500 gallons of sour mash
wplynn: fermentation
wplynn: later fermentation
wplynn: the mash
wplynn: Woodford's Copper Pot stills
wplynn: Copper Stills
wplynn: Woodford's Still House
wplynn: Copper Spirits Still
wplynn: empty still
wplynn: ready for mash
wplynn: still door
wplynn: Woodford still and spirit safe
wplynn: Copper Pot Still
wplynn: Still and Safe
wplynn: Closed copper pot still
wplynn: still door
wplynn: Bottling Woodford Reserve
wplynn: Inspecting full bottles of Woodford Reserve
wplynn: Woodford boxing line
wplynn: A pallet of Woodford cases
wplynn: Woodford on the wall
wplynn: Northern Waters Distillery: production room
wplynn: Northern Waters Distillery: production room panorama
wplynn: Northern Waters Distillery: R&D still