wplynn: paxworks artistry
wplynn: Second Presbyterian Church Labyrinth
wplynn: birds eye view of craftsmanship
wplynn: preparing for dusty work
wplynn: careful measurements
wplynn: working beneath a sundog
wplynn: cut lunations
wplynn: after some cutting
wplynn: lunation king
wplynn: detailed cuts in 'crete
wplynn: outer lines
wplynn: preparing Papa Smurf hands
wplynn: mystical mixology
wplynn: where to begin ... where to end
wplynn: before color
wplynn: precision care
wplynn: cut lines in slab drying
wplynn: preparing for rain
wplynn: line cut detail
wplynn: more detail
wplynn: Labyrinth Sundogs
wplynn: working the center
wplynn: John and David lay out design
wplynn: Labyrinth work
wplynn: in the center
wplynn: on the slab
wplynn: working on the rosette
wplynn: lunation detail
wplynn: cut lines
wplynn: Lunations and path