wplynn: completed church labyrinth garden
wplynn: Garden sign
wplynn: marking cement cutting directions
wplynn: power-washing cut slab
wplynn: finishing up powerwash
wplynn: labyrinth drying after wash
wplynn: First lines being stained
wplynn: more lines are drawn (stained)
wplynn: pathway emerges
wplynn: Nearing completion
wplynn: staining complete
wplynn: Sealing complete
wplynn: labyrinth garden from above
wplynn: John measures and marks slab
wplynn: Robert Ferré joins the Paxworks crew
wplynn: considering options for turn
wplynn: Calculating angles
wplynn: making decisions
wplynn: Hermann overseas the work
wplynn: fine tuning the corners
wplynn: tape marks the spots
wplynn: a clean slab is a happy slab
wplynn: working on establishing the lines
wplynn: marking cutting instructions
wplynn: cutting the lines
wplynn: line end cut
wplynn: Warren fine tunes a cut
wplynn: precision work
wplynn: Power-washing the cement cuts
wplynn: preparing the slab for staining