wplynn: bear and bees
wplynn: bees and bear with honey pot
wplynn: bear and queen bee
wplynn: DSC_0025
wplynn: DSC_0027
wplynn: DSC_0028
wplynn: DSC_0032
wplynn: DSC_0034
wplynn: dancing toys
wplynn: Native American wood-carving
wplynn: carving tools
wplynn: carving the wood
wplynn: room for rent
wplynn: barn and cart
wplynn: barn chickens
wplynn: gun on wall
wplynn: spinning wool
wplynn: carpenter's shop
wplynn: joinery in the carpenter's shop
wplynn: log cabin corner
wplynn: corner and walls
wplynn: second floor window
wplynn: window and rafters
wplynn: preparing herbs
wplynn: cook fire
wplynn: pot on the fire
wplynn: processing herbs
wplynn: outhouse
wplynn: entry mat
wplynn: doctors medicines