warrenbuckley: Kitchen coming together - so nearly finished
warrenbuckley: Time to wash your hands
warrenbuckley: Bathroom
warrenbuckley: Into the Bathroom
warrenbuckley: New Kitchen Worktop
warrenbuckley: The kitchen coming together
warrenbuckley: Kitchen Units in place
warrenbuckley: More Kitchen units
warrenbuckley: Kitchen wooden floor
warrenbuckley: Bedroom
warrenbuckley: In the bathroom
warrenbuckley: Bathroom in progress
warrenbuckley: The Bathroom plastered
warrenbuckley: My new office
warrenbuckley: The kitchen with the chimney filled up
warrenbuckley: The kitchen before
warrenbuckley: Looking down from the bathroom
warrenbuckley: The chimney gone in the bathroom
warrenbuckley: Looking up the hole in the kitchen
warrenbuckley: Rubble in the kitchen
warrenbuckley: You ready, to catch the cork?
warrenbuckley: Crack open the Champagne!
warrenbuckley: Peekaboo
warrenbuckley: Opening the door to our new house