Warphobbler-Kaz: DSCN0440
Warphobbler-Kaz: DSCN0441
Warphobbler-Kaz: DSCN0443
Warphobbler-Kaz: DSCN0444
Warphobbler-Kaz: DSCN0445
Warphobbler-Kaz: DSCN0446
Warphobbler-Kaz: DSCN0447
Warphobbler-Kaz: DSCN0449
Warphobbler-Kaz: DSCN0450
Warphobbler-Kaz: DSCN0452
Warphobbler-Kaz: DSCN0453
Warphobbler-Kaz: DSCN0454
Warphobbler-Kaz: DSCN0455
Warphobbler-Kaz: DSCN0457
Warphobbler-Kaz: DSCN0464
Warphobbler-Kaz: DSCN0985#001.jpg
Warphobbler-Kaz: Battery Farm HGVs damage to ancient hedgerow & trees
Warphobbler-Kaz: Battery Farm HGVs damage to ancient hedgerow & trees
Warphobbler-Kaz: Agh! My eyes....an oops moment!
Warphobbler-Kaz: A furtive hand from behind a bucket...
Warphobbler-Kaz: Something's missing....
Warphobbler-Kaz: The Silly Buckets in the Lane 3 [apologies to Coleridge]
Warphobbler-Kaz: The Silly Buckets in the Lane 2 [apologies to Coleridge]
Warphobbler-Kaz: The Silly Buckets in the Lane 1 [apologies to Coleridge]