Wan Ling Tea House: Enjoying the aroma of the tea liquor
Wan Ling Tea House: Tea is ready to be enjoyed
Wan Ling Tea House: Presentation and pose is very important to the whole ceremony
Wan Ling Tea House: Drying the tea cup
Wan Ling Tea House: The cup is placed on a special individual tray for the guests
Wan Ling Tea House: The base of the cups is dried on the tea towel
Wan Ling Tea House: The scent of the tea is enjoyed from the lid of the gaiwan
Wan Ling Tea House: The tea leaf
Wan Ling Tea House: The full cups
Wan Ling Tea House: Once the cups are nearly full the remaining liquor is poured in
Wan Ling Tea House: Pouring the Tie Guan Yin
Wan Ling Tea House: Pouring the tea
Wan Ling Tea House: By holding the very outer of the gaiwan the temperature is much lower
Wan Ling Tea House: Straining the tea liquor
Wan Ling Tea House: Holding the gaiwan takes practice and thick skin
Wan Ling Tea House: Preparing the second infusion - this one will be enjoyed by the guests!
Wan Ling Tea House: By submerging the whole cup, the guest can see the cup is clean.
Wan Ling Tea House: Each cup is rinsed in turn
Wan Ling Tea House: The first infusion is used to rinse the tea ware
Wan Ling Tea House: Tea is poured from right to left
Wan Ling Tea House: The first infusion is poured into the cups
Wan Ling Tea House: Using a bamboo tea strainer
Wan Ling Tea House: The tea liquor is filtered into the gongdao bei through the strainer
Wan Ling Tea House: Bubbles are rinsed from the gaiwan lid
Wan Ling Tea House: Bubbles are removed with the gaiwan lid
Wan Ling Tea House: Bubbles form on the top of the tea liquor
Wan Ling Tea House: Boiling water is poured on to the edge of the gaiwan to move the tea leaves in the gaiwan
Wan Ling Tea House: Tea leaf is dropped in to the gaiwan from the cha he
Wan Ling Tea House: Using a bamboo tool to add the TieGuanYin to the Gaiwan