Autobot: Tian'anmen 天安门
Autobot: Tian'anmen&Lion 天安门
Autobot: the last Emperor,may be
Autobot: 2006_05030040
Autobot: The People's Congress Hall
Autobot: the National meseam
Autobot: 2006_05030031
Autobot: 2006_05030022
Autobot: 2006_05030015
Autobot: an emperor on the wall
Autobot: 2006_05030014
Autobot: 2006_05030013
Autobot: 2006_05030012
Autobot: 2006_05030011
Autobot: guard on the tian'anmen square
Autobot: 雍和宫 YongHegong
Autobot: children playing on the tian'anmen square
Autobot: a long queue
Autobot: the white tower
Autobot: 2006_05030302
Autobot: 2006_05030296
Autobot: palace in repair
Autobot: Taihedian in repair故宫太和殿
Autobot: looking back