B_ty: A stroll in the neighborhood
B_ty: A stroll in the neighborhood
B_ty: A stroll in the neighborhood
B_ty: A stroll in the neighborhood
B_ty: A stroll in the neighborhood
B_ty: A stroll in the neighborhood
B_ty: A stroll in the neighborhood
B_ty: A stroll in the neighborhood
B_ty: A stroll in the neighborhood
B_ty: A stroll in the neighborhood
B_ty: A stroll in the neighborhood
B_ty: 我的刮刮樂小幫手們
B_ty: 過年一定要玩搓搓樂
B_ty: 大爺似的老人與臭臭
B_ty: 準備看Lego Movie
B_ty: 過年最愛吃這味
B_ty: dress like Elsa while watching Frozen...
B_ty: MVI_1495
B_ty: 邊看邊唱
B_ty: NYE Meal
B_ty: 臭臭也有大餐吃
B_ty: yum yum
B_ty: Bibi是小老虎?
B_ty: 搓上癮了
B_ty: IMG_1499
B_ty: IMG_1500
B_ty: 臭臭也要玩看看~
B_ty: MVI_1503
B_ty: 領勾勾的紅包~
B_ty: 三貼~