B_ty: view from our room
B_ty: 雲品隨拍
B_ty: Not quite sure why there's flower plantation on the lake
B_ty: Cruising on SML
B_ty: Lalu Island
B_ty: 大逆光下的拉魯島
B_ty: Lalu Island
B_ty: 從玄光寺看拉魯島
B_ty: 大概就是這樣的感覺
B_ty: Sunset on the lake
B_ty: 慈恩塔
B_ty: IMG_0691
B_ty: 等待日出中
B_ty: 結果只看到這樣...
B_ty: IMG_0701
B_ty: 偷爬過朝霧碼頭圍欄拍幾張
B_ty: 朝霧碼頭
B_ty: 朝霧碼頭
B_ty: 日月潭觀日出
B_ty: IMG_0715
B_ty: 試著拍出水面上的霧
B_ty: Good Bye SML
B_ty: Next Stop: Tainan
B_ty: 吃剩半碗的米糕
B_ty: 林百貨
B_ty: 復古電梯
B_ty: 電梯內
B_ty: 1952年
B_ty: IMG_5541
B_ty: IMG_0723