B_ty: 海芋@ home
B_ty: lavender
B_ty: herb plants
B_ty: chocho in the zone...
B_ty: cho cho with his new bow tie and haircut
B_ty: 05.02 Tonight's Menu: うなぎ丼
B_ty: 05.02 今晚的簡易晚餐 - 鰻魚蓋飯配漬菜
B_ty: 05.03 One-Dish dinner 泡菜筊白筍炒豬肉
B_ty: 今晚的簡單晚餐之一盤搞定
B_ty: 05.05 一碗公一餐之麻油絲瓜豬肉麵線
B_ty: 母親節
B_ty: 05.11 tonight's menu: 5蔬沙拉
B_ty: 香草清蒸蝦
B_ty: steaming shrimps with fresh herbs
B_ty: 05.11 今天的簡易晚餐
B_ty: 05.11 蝦子特寫 steamed shrimps
B_ty: 05.12 準備今天晚餐
B_ty: 先弄配菜
B_ty: 05.12 青木瓜沙拉 homemade green papaya salad
B_ty: 越南牛肉河粉 homemade Pho Bo
B_ty: 05.12 第一次嘗試作越南河粉 first time making pho bo
B_ty: 簡易午餐: Chinese sausage fried rice
B_ty: 05.14 臘腸炒飯
B_ty: 05.15 homemade Sunday Brunch
B_ty: main dish: eggs with fresh herbs and whole wheat toasts
B_ty: side dish: pepper/tomato/cucumber salad with olive oil and thyme/sweet marjoram leaves
B_ty: My first pot of fresh herb tea
B_ty: 我與臭臭的tea time
B_ty: 05.15 簡易晚餐: 泰式酸辣牛肉河粉
B_ty: 黃綠紅涼菜