wanderingcoyote: Rick Mercer's Arrival in the Crowd
wanderingcoyote: Mercer Scrum
wanderingcoyote: Gathering Crowd
wanderingcoyote: Flag Hander Outer
wanderingcoyote: Arrival of big wooden Inushuk
wanderingcoyote: Crowd Control
wanderingcoyote: Owe-lympic Symbolism
wanderingcoyote: Crowd Growing
wanderingcoyote: Looking West
wanderingcoyote: Looking East
wanderingcoyote: Arrival of Parade
wanderingcoyote: Turning the Corner
wanderingcoyote: Here it Comes
wanderingcoyote: Parade Approaching
wanderingcoyote: Almost Here
wanderingcoyote: RBC Vehicle
wanderingcoyote: One of many VANOC vehicles
wanderingcoyote: Rick Mercer Looks On
wanderingcoyote: Rick Mercer Stepping Out from Crowd
wanderingcoyote: Is Rick Watching Me
wanderingcoyote: More Boring Vehicles...
wanderingcoyote: It's About Time
wanderingcoyote: Tired Puppy!
wanderingcoyote: RBC Cheerleaders
wanderingcoyote: RBC Cheering
wanderingcoyote: Another RBC Vehicle
wanderingcoyote: Cop & RBC Van
wanderingcoyote: Another Coke Truck
wanderingcoyote: Coke Cheering Team
wanderingcoyote: Liquid Candy Hander Outer