Wanderfull1: High River Balloon Festival - the anchor
Wanderfull1: High River Balloon Festival - pretty girl
Wanderfull1: High River Balloon Festival - photographers
Wanderfull1: High River Balloon Festival - flame on
Wanderfull1: High River Balloon Festival - faces
Wanderfull1: Take Back the Night 2015 - consent is sexy
Wanderfull1: Take Back the Night 2015 - right to be safe
Wanderfull1: Take Back the Night 2015 - justice
Wanderfull1: Take Back the Night 2015 - 1
Wanderfull1: untitled
Wanderfull1: Beakerhead bunnies - bunny blue
Wanderfull1: Beakerhead bunnies - steam punk lady
Wanderfull1: night exercise
Wanderfull1: if I were a painter - 4
Wanderfull1: if I were a painter - 2
Wanderfull1: the loop
Wanderfull1: half circle
Wanderfull1: Night Photography Meetup - the call
Wanderfull1: Night Photography Meetup - bike
Wanderfull1: Night Photography Meetup - quick drink
Wanderfull1: Night Photography Meetup - animal skin
Wanderfull1: ducks on a peaceful night
Wanderfull1: girl & tree @ night 1
Wanderfull1: night moves 2
Wanderfull1: night moves 1
Wanderfull1: Langevin Bridge
Wanderfull1: construction
Wanderfull1: Stephen Ave Lights - in alignment