wanderflechten: Arctoparmelia centrifuga with parasite, Lichenostigma?
wanderflechten: Lichenostigma
wanderflechten: Focus Result 3 (B, 3, 2) 7489 to 7494 1200
wanderflechten: Focus Result 1 (B, 3, 2) 7350 to 7356 b 1024
wanderflechten: Arctoparmelia centrifuga with parasite, Lichenostigma?
wanderflechten: Focus Result 2 (B, 3, 2) 7357 to 7363 1200
wanderflechten: Focus Result 1 (B, 3, 2) 7350 to 7356 c 1024
wanderflechten: Focus Result 1 (B, 3, 2) 7350 to 7356 1024 b
wanderflechten: Lichenostigma?
wanderflechten: Arctoparmelia centrifuga with parasite, Lichenostigma?
wanderflechten: Arctoparmelia centrifuga with parasite, Lichenostigma?
wanderflechten: Arctoparmelia centrifuga with parasite, Lichenostigma?
wanderflechten: Lichenostigma?
wanderflechten: Cetraria muricata and Thamnolia vermicularis
wanderflechten: lichenicolous fungus - Lichenostigma?
wanderflechten: Acarospora thamnina intergrown with Rhizoplaca melanophthalma