wanderflechten: Letharia columbiana
wanderflechten: Letharia vulpina or more likely L. lupina
wanderflechten: Letharia columbiana
wanderflechten: Letharia, probably L. lupina
wanderflechten: Letharia columbiana
wanderflechten: corticolous community including sterile and fertile species of Letharia
wanderflechten: Focus Result 7 (B, 3, 2)
wanderflechten: Cyphelium inquinans 4 - Acolium inquinans
wanderflechten: Macrolichens of the Pacific Northwest
wanderflechten: Letharia and Bryoria
wanderflechten: corticolous community
wanderflechten: Ponderosa pine with Letharia
wanderflechten: NWL sweatshirt and lichen (Letharia columbiana)
wanderflechten: big big leafmaple leaf
wanderflechten: Macrolichens of the Pacific Northwest, Third Edition, Revised and Expanded