Wananga: Zipping by the beach
Wananga: No one waits for PL 1606
Wananga: Fishing on the Rio Dulce in Guatemala
Wananga: Bienvenidos a Guatemala
Wananga: Main Road of Livingston Guatemala
Wananga: A Promenade in Livingston Guatemala
Wananga: The Monkey Waiting for Lunch in Livingston
Wananga: On the ocean blue
Wananga: Water Lillies, Rio Dulce, Guatemala
Wananga: Hot Spring Rio Dulce Guatemala
Wananga: Rope on a boat
Wananga: Gods in a canoe
Wananga: The Rain Comes
Wananga: The Sea is on Fire
Wananga: The Elephant Brings us a Flower
Wananga: Misaray
Wananga: La Buga Livingston
Wananga: Bird of Light (B)
Wananga: Bird of Light
Wananga: A Toast to Key West
Wananga: Shrine to the Virgin, Mayan Home, Majahual Mexico
Wananga: This Doll Will Eat Your Soul
Wananga: Cutie creepy little doll baby
Wananga: Yellow Flower
Wananga: Triple J
Wananga: Time lapse of ocean from moving ship 3 - hand held
Wananga: Time lapse of ocean from moving ship 2
Wananga: Time lapse of ocean from moving ship 1
Wananga: The Monkey on the Ship
Wananga: Stars and Stripes Key West Florida