waltdaniels: 00 Balloon Launch 6-14-11
waltdaniels: 01 Steve unpacking
waltdaniels: 02 The Basket
waltdaniels: 03 Basket assembly
waltdaniels: 04 Basket assembly
waltdaniels: 05 Attaching burner to Basket
waltdaniels: 06 Carrying the envelope
waltdaniels: 07 Streching Out The envelope
waltdaniels: 08 Streching Out The envelope
waltdaniels: 09 Streching Out The envelope
waltdaniels: 10 Untangling the lines
waltdaniels: 11 Tabbing in the top
waltdaniels: 12 Taking care of business
waltdaniels: 13 Elane Last minute checking
waltdaniels: 14 Starting inflation
waltdaniels: 15 Inflation process
waltdaniels: 16 Inflation process
waltdaniels: 17 Inflation process
waltdaniels: 18 Inflation process
waltdaniels: 19 Inflation process
waltdaniels: 20 Holding the top down
waltdaniels: 21 Inside view-Elane and friend
waltdaniels: 22 Top inside
waltdaniels: 23 Preparing for hot inflation
waltdaniels: 24 Hot gas now applied
waltdaniels: 25 More hot air starting to rise
waltdaniels: 26 continuing the heat to fill
waltdaniels: 27 continuing the heat to fill
waltdaniels: 28 Steve pilot and crew on board
waltdaniels: 29 Ready to go, Balloon Launch. View the Set to see the steps needed to launch a balloon.