waltimar: breakfast ball
waltimar: walter lite
waltimar: walter dark
waltimar: game?
waltimar: ballhog
waltimar: levitate
waltimar: encore levitate
waltimar: role reversal shot! (times three)
waltimar: the football is a major clue...
waltimar: see it?
waltimar: impasse
waltimar: faster
waltimar: new angle, old story
waltimar: half a tongue
waltimar: ball boy
waltimar: a delicate mouth
waltimar: good listening
waltimar: still smoking
waltimar: love me, love my football
waltimar: game interupted
waltimar: levitation contemplation
waltimar: concentration but...
waltimar: levitation
waltimar: eye on the ball
waltimar: lost the concentration!
waltimar: the question mark
waltimar: eye on the master
waltimar: football frenetic
waltimar: flirting might work
waltimar: guess not