Walter Burt: Kirkcaldy Corp. tramcar No.15 near the terminus at Gallatown, Kirkcaldy.
Walter Burt: Kirkcaldy Corporation tram depot at Gallatown, Kirkcaldy.
Walter Burt: Kirkcaldy Corporation tram depot at Gallatown, Kirkcaldy, with depot staff.
Walter Burt: Kirkcaldy Corporation tramcar depot in Oswald Road, Gallatown, Kirkcaldy.
Walter Burt: Kirkcaldy Corporation tramcars decorated for the opening ceremony. Gallatown, Kirkcaldy.
Walter Burt: 001 Trams Gallatown 1903
Walter Burt: 003 Tram Links terminus Kirkcaldy
Walter Burt: 012 the sailors walk kirkcaldy tram