Walsh69: tree hugger
Walsh69: It's written all over your face
Walsh69: its all jibberish to me
Walsh69: thats alot of letters
Walsh69: modern foreign languages...in metal
Walsh69: cultural links
Walsh69: i see you
Walsh69: headache...
Walsh69: the wrong angle
Walsh69: makes for easy reading
Walsh69: heads up
Walsh69: chatty time
Walsh69: fake tan sculptures?
Walsh69: kitchen utensiles...for cavemen
Walsh69: peep holes
Walsh69: conversation starters
Walsh69: loner
Walsh69: the crystal grotto
Walsh69: the entrance...
Walsh69: a bit bumpy
Walsh69: the acorn affect
Walsh69: i wonder
Walsh69: alice in the sculpture park
Walsh69: hare raising
Walsh69: rabbit scissor hands
Walsh69: the half acorn
Walsh69: the builders answer to jenga
Walsh69: its certainley different
Walsh69: its not JUST pieces of sheet metal
Walsh69: intriguing