Wallyum: Potatohead Rocketry Tau Zero at B6-4 Field
Wallyum: Potatohead Rocketry Tau Zero liftoff
Wallyum: Potatohead Rocketry Tau Zero ignition
Wallyum: Potatohead Rocketry Tau Zero recovery
Wallyum: Potatohead Rocketry Tau Zero in outfield grass
Wallyum: Semroc Scout at B6-4 Field
Wallyum: Semroc Scout liftoff
Wallyum: Semroc Scout ignition
Wallyum: Semroc Micron at B6-4 Field
Wallyum: Semroc Micron ignition
Wallyum: Semroc Micron liftoff
Wallyum: Semroc Micron safe landing
Wallyum: Semroc Mark II at B6-4 Field
Wallyum: Semroc Mark II ignigion
Wallyum: Semroc Mark II liftoff
Wallyum: Semroc Mark II recovers near road
Wallyum: Semroc Mark II recovery
Wallyum: Semroc Mark II REALLY near road
Wallyum: The flight that never was
Wallyum: Flight Dynamics Zepher 5 ignition
Wallyum: Flight Dynamics Zepher 5 liftoff
Wallyum: Flight Dynamics Zepher at B6-4 Field
Wallyum: Estes Echo clone recovers without damage
Wallyum: Estes Echo clone no streamer
Wallyum: Estes Echo clone liftoff
Wallyum: Estes Echo clone ignition
Wallyum: Estes Echo clone at B6-4 Field
Wallyum: Estes Stinger clone ballfield landing
Wallyum: Estes Stinger clone recovery
Wallyum: Estes Stinger clone liftoff