Wallyum: The Outsiders after Photoshop
Wallyum: Got your Conehead hanging, May, 1983
Wallyum: Jerry reads on the sponge
Wallyum: Beach legend Paul Connett with his favorite hat, glasses, shirt and beer
Wallyum: Where am I from, ya know
Wallyum: Chuck's only tuna of the trip
Wallyum: Plumber picture
Wallyum: Cone and Bill in front of the Taylor 2, May, 1983
Wallyum: Group pic in front of Taylor 1, June, 1984
Wallyum: Paul, Jerry & Rob with the killer bunny, Myrtle Beach, 1984
Wallyum: O.D. Pavillion, August, 1987
Wallyum: N. Myrtle Beach sunrise, June, 1984
Wallyum: Waiting for the sun, June, 1984
Wallyum: The sumptuous appointments of the Taylor Twins
Wallyum: Boneass watching TV on the beach, May, 1983
Wallyum: Fred McMurray joins Paul and Bill for a photo op, N. Myrtle Beach, June, 1984
Wallyum: Paul tests out can coolees, June, 1984
Wallyum: Paul, awake on the wild side, June 1984
Wallyum: Rick in Armani, N. Myrtle Beach, 5-83
Wallyum: Jerry feasts on purloined chicken, May, 1983
Wallyum: Paul and Jerry bodysurfing, 5-83
Wallyum: Looking up Main Street from the beach at sunrise, North Myrtle Beach, May, 1983
Wallyum: Chef Charles prepares the communal meal, North Myrtle Beach, May, 1983
Wallyum: Butchering American Pie, June, 1984
Wallyum: Another South Carolina sunrise, May, 1983
Wallyum: Post-beach dart tournament, June, 1984
Wallyum: Chuck and Bill at the Myrtle's Turtle, May, 1983
Wallyum: Cone's Nova, early A.M., May, 1983
Wallyum: The infamous Crazy Zacks, now a part of the past
Wallyum: The Dingle