Wallyum: Erich wears his sunglasses at night
Wallyum: Eat my Buddy Boy, ROTC, 11-82
Wallyum: Cone and Bill at Crosley Field, March, 1988
Wallyum: Daytuna, unattended camera shot #2
Wallyum: Hand grenades, Wiedemann, and Ibolds
Wallyum: Rebels gang on the Duster/wet bar, September, 1983
Wallyum: Celebrating a rare Rebel win
Wallyum: Andre' and Paula from Zack's
Wallyum: Wiedy-Pop Open winner, 1982
Wallyum: Rubber Soul is Rock & Roll
Wallyum: Awake at the crack of Wiedemann, June, 1984
Wallyum: Tourists, July, 1985
Wallyum: Striper Bowl, January, 1982
Wallyum: Season's Greatings, 12-83
Wallyum: Paul and Rick at Funk Rock, Hueston Woods, January, 1984
Wallyum: Paul and Rob catch a beer and a buzz in Brookville, June, 1981
Wallyum: Myrtle Beach pre-trip at the center of the universe
Wallyum: Jerry with slum art, 1984-85
Wallyum: At least the swing looks good, 9-87
Wallyum: All it needs is a little beer, NKU, December, 1983
Wallyum: AJ Jolly flame demon, August, 1985
Wallyum: Rigor Mortis' last gasp, 4-85
Wallyum: Rigor Mortis basketball - The Worst In Family Entertainment
Wallyum: NKU tree, 10-82
Wallyum: Last day of finals, May, 1984
Wallyum: Beyond stupid, May, 1984
Wallyum: Rigor Mortis football
Wallyum: Roomies, Daytuna, July, 1985
Wallyum: Displaying Toms bachelor party gifts, March, 1984
Wallyum: JELLY MONSTER, May, 1983