samhDOTnet: Dave demonstrating proper starting technique with a bucksaw
samhDOTnet: Sam - self portrait inside emergency shelter
samhDOTnet: Torie after lighting her fire bundle
samhDOTnet: GORUCK GR1
samhDOTnet: Dave demonstrating fire bundles
samhDOTnet: Orchid
samhDOTnet: Using a wedge to reduce logs to kindling
samhDOTnet: Cut-away of emergency shelter
samhDOTnet: Dave lights a bach of feather sticks
samhDOTnet: A collection of bushcraft tools
samhDOTnet: Dave demonstrating an alternate method for using a Swede saw
samhDOTnet: Skeleton of emergency shelter
samhDOTnet: The lighting of some feather sticks
samhDOTnet: Cookpot suspended over fire
samhDOTnet: Fire tube
samhDOTnet: Mike fires up the Bushbuddy
samhDOTnet: Sam lighting a fire
samhDOTnet: Titanium in the fire
samhDOTnet: Mike makes a fire
samhDOTnet: Mike makes a fire
samhDOTnet: Mike tends to the fire
samhDOTnet: Todd and Andy prepare for a redneck fire
samhDOTnet: Ryan Jordan makes a fire
samhDOTnet: Sam at the fire
samhDOTnet: Cooking over Open Fire
samhDOTnet: Tending the Fire