Wallflower Arts: First rainbow attempt with hair chalk
Wallflower Arts: First rainbow attempt with hair chalk
Wallflower Arts: bucky hair?
Wallflower Arts: wheelchair managing to cary bag & chair
Wallflower Arts: hair dying progress shots
Wallflower Arts: hair dying progress shots
Wallflower Arts: hair dying progress shots
Wallflower Arts: hair dying progress shots
Wallflower Arts: Awesome hair dye we used
Wallflower Arts: Awesome hair dye we used
Wallflower Arts: purple hair
Wallflower Arts: Nat/Tony
Wallflower Arts: hotel we stayed at
Wallflower Arts: hotel we stayed at
Wallflower Arts: hotel we stayed at
Wallflower Arts: my Cecil/Carlos shirt matches my hair
Wallflower Arts: me and my girl
Wallflower Arts: trying to show off the rainbow eye makeup and hair chalk
Wallflower Arts: trying to show off the rainbow eye makeup and hair chalk
Wallflower Arts: trying to show off the rainbow eye makeup and hair chalk
Wallflower Arts: Mardi Gras ready
Wallflower Arts: me and my girl
Wallflower Arts: me after the parade
Wallflower Arts: me after the parade
Wallflower Arts: yarn bombed tree
Wallflower Arts: me trying on clothes
Wallflower Arts: me trying on clothes
Wallflower Arts: me trying on clothes
Wallflower Arts: me trying on clothes
Wallflower Arts: Aiden falling asleep while Ruth reads