walla2chick: Dancing
walla2chick: Dancing children with elevator
walla2chick: Fountain with dancing children
walla2chick: Floor decoration at Seatac
walla2chick: Big one in the floor at Seatac
walla2chick: Graffiti cover-up
walla2chick: Part of mural under Bridge
walla2chick: Neon Jewelry
walla2chick: Tavern
walla2chick: Grapes like you've never seen before
walla2chick: Chalk fairy
walla2chick: Giving you the ol' fish eye
walla2chick: Fish out of water
walla2chick: Street art
walla2chick: Concentration while on cardboard
walla2chick: Portlandia reaching out
walla2chick: Portlandia
walla2chick: Paintings on wall and a door
walla2chick: Doors to women's rooms
walla2chick: There seems to be a water theme in the men's room
walla2chick: Both these doors to the men's room have horns
walla2chick: Egyptian ladies
walla2chick: Door at McMenamins Edgefield
walla2chick: Mural in McMenamins Edgefield
walla2chick: Portland in 3-D
walla2chick: Eeeeek!
walla2chick: Monkeying around
walla2chick: Acorn and its squirrel
walla2chick: Wee owl
walla2chick: Three in a row