walkthetown: Brooklyn Heights: Williamsburgh Savings Bank, 1929
walkthetown: Brooklyn Heights: Williamsburg Savings Bank, 1929, once largest 4-sided clock in world
walkthetown: Brooklyn Heights: Williamsburg Savings Bank, 1929, Byzantine/Romanesque style as marches upward
walkthetown: Brooklyn Heights: typical Federal-style clapboard house in neighborhood
walkthetown: Brooklyn Heights: Transportation Building, 1950, stylized lighting stanchions
walkthetown: Brooklyn Heights: Supreme Court Building, 1957, all limestone and strips of windows
walkthetown: Brooklyn Heights: St. Ann Trust and the Holy Trinity Church. 1847, stained glass windows in Gothic treatment are among earliest in New York
walkthetown: Brooklyn Heights: Robert White House, 1825
walkthetown: Brooklyn Heights: Promenade
walkthetown: Brooklyn Heights: Promenade
walkthetown: Brooklyn Heights: Plymouht Church , 1849, design of pews influential throughout country
walkthetown: Brooklyn Heights: Plmouth Church of the Pilgrims, pulpit of Herny Ward Beecher
walkthetown: Brooklyn Heights: People's Trust Company, 1903 marble Roman temple of bank
walkthetown: Brooklyn Heights: NY supreme Court, Appellate Division, 1938 classicla design with Doric columns around bronze entranceway
walkthetown: Brooklyn Heights: Municipal Credit Union Building; 1927 by art Deco master Harvey Wiley Corbett
walkthetown: Brooklyn Heights: Manhattan Bridge, 1909
walkthetown: Brooklyn Heights: lower Manhattan from Promenade
walkthetown: Brooklyn Heights: Leverich Towers, 1928, grand hotel of Brooklyn Dodgers now Jehovah's Witnesses house
walkthetown: Brooklyn Heights: Junior's, worl'ds best cheesecake
walkthetown: Brooklyn Heights: Jay Street Firehouse, 1892, Romanesque mix of materials
walkthetown: Brooklyn Heights: Herman Behr House, 1890, Richardsonian Romanesque
walkthetown: Brooklyn Heights: Henry Ward Beecher, 1891, by John Quincy Ward Adams on base by Richard Morris Hunt
walkthetown: Brooklyn Heights: Henry Ward Beecher by Gutzon Borglum at Plymouth Church of Pilgrims
walkthetown: Brooklyn Heights: General Post Office; 1885-91 with masses of arches, turrets and dormers
walkthetown: Brooklyn Heights: General Post Office, 1891 High Victorian Romanesque by Mifflin E. Bell, 1895-91
walkthetown: Brooklyn Heights: Brooklyn Trust Company; 1915 by York & Sawyer, one of best bank architecture firms
walkthetown: Brooklyn Heights: Brooklyn Historical Society
walkthetown: Brooklyn Heights: Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce Building, tops of setbacks adorned with terra cotta parapets and pyramidal tops ringed by massed smoke-
walkthetown: Brooklyn Heights: Brooklyn Chamber of Commerce Building, 1927, A.F. Simberg Gothic with buff brick accented by terra cotta
walkthetown: Brooklyn Heights: Brooklyn Bridge/Empire State Building from Promenade