walkthetown: Williamson House, 1850
walkthetown: Trolley
walkthetown: Towne House, 1951
walkthetown: Phoenix Building, 1895
walkthetown: Old Media Borough Hall, 1918
walkthetown: Media Theatre
walkthetown: Media rowhomes on Front Street
walkthetown: Media Presbyterian Church, 1855
walkthetown: Media High School, 1914
walkthetown: Media Armory
walkthetown: Legal Row
walkthetown: Ledger Building, 1895
walkthetown: Hillhurst, 1890
walkthetown: Haldeman's Store, 1854
walkthetown: First School House, 1853
walkthetown: First National Bank of Media, 1900
walkthetown: First National Bank of Media, 1900
walkthetown: Engle Bakery, 1892
walkthetown: Delaware County Record Building, 1878
walkthetown: Delaware County Institute of Science, 1867
walkthetown: DElaware County Court House, first 1851, last 1929
walkthetown: Delaware County American
walkthetown: Cooper House, 1860s
walkthetown: Civil War Monumnet, 1885
walkthetown: Christ Church, 1858
walkthetown: Burdall & Adams Cigar Factory, 1879 building
walkthetown: Broomall House, 1873
walkthetown: Beatty Building, 1849, first commercial building in Media
walkthetown: 300 block West State Street