walkthetown: Woolworths
walkthetown: United States Post Office
walkthetown: Tobacco Warehouses
walkthetown: The Famous
walkthetown: St Pauls Episcopal Church
walkthetown: Shearer Brothers Building
walkthetown: S.O. Fisher Sporting Goods
walkthetown: Renaissance Theater
walkthetown: People's National Bank
walkthetown: Old Courthouse
walkthetown: News & Daily Advance Building
walkthetown: Mutual Saving Bank & Trust
walkthetown: Monument Terrace
walkthetown: Lynchburg National Bank
walkthetown: Lynchburg National Bank
walkthetown: Lynchburg Furniture Company
walkthetown: Langley Fountain
walkthetown: Krise Building
walkthetown: John M. Warwick House
walkthetown: Hygeia Hospital
walkthetown: First Presbyterian Church
walkthetown: Court Street United Methodist Church
walkthetown: City Hall
walkthetown: Anthony and Company
walkthetown: Amazement Square
walkthetown: Allied Arts Building
walkthetown: Allied Arts Building
walkthetown: Allied Art Building
walkthetown: Accorsini Building