Walks On Rocks: Southern terminus of the PCT
Walks On Rocks: The view north from the very beginning of the PCT
Walks On Rocks: !Cuidado!, Campo to Julian
Walks On Rocks: Chaparral and oak south of Mt Laguna, Campo to Julian
Walks On Rocks: chaparral and mountains just south of Lake Morena, Campo to Julian
Walks On Rocks: Rattlesnake encounter #8, Tehatchapi to Walker Pass
Walks On Rocks: Deep Creek and an abandoned dam, Big Bear City to Wrightwood
Walks On Rocks: Moonstar above Mission Creek, Idyllwild to Big Bear City
Walks On Rocks: wildflowers and invasive weeds, Julian to Idyllwild
Walks On Rocks: rocky section along Mission Creek, Idyllwild to Big Bear City
Walks On Rocks: San Gabriel Mountains, Wrightwood to Acton
Walks On Rocks: Wendy at Islip during sunset, Wrightwood to Acton
Walks On Rocks: Redshank, Julian to Idyllwild
Walks On Rocks: Dense manzanita, Campo to Julian
Walks On Rocks: South Fork gorge, Wrightwood to Acton
Walks On Rocks: water cache in the San Felipe Hills, Julian to Idyllwild
Walks On Rocks: San Gabriel Mountains at Islip, Wrightwood to Acton
Walks On Rocks: Whitewater River, Idyllwild to Big Bear City
Walks On Rocks: Coulter Pine Cones, Wrightwood to Acton
Walks On Rocks: View from the San Felipe Hills, Julian to Idyllwild
Walks On Rocks: fire scarred Incense Cedars, Idyllwild to Big Bear City
Walks On Rocks: Chinese houses?
Walks On Rocks: a little flooding since this sign was put in, Big Bear City to Wrightwood
Walks On Rocks: horned lizard, Julian to Idyllwild
Walks On Rocks: Yellow blossoms among the chaparral, Big Bear City to Wrightwood
Walks On Rocks: cool riparian forest, Big Bear City to Wrightwood
Walks On Rocks: Yellow blossom among the chaparral, Big Bear City to Wrightwood
Walks On Rocks: Onion flowers near the Whitewater River, Idyllwild to Big Bear City
Walks On Rocks: Descending Fuller Ridge down to Snow Creek, Idyllwild to Big Bear City
Walks On Rocks: Chaparral covered ridges, Acton to Tehatchapi