Walks On Rocks: Lost River Range from Corral Creek Summit
Walks On Rocks: rock glacier below Jaggle Peak
Walks On Rocks: Tetraneuris grandiflora (old man of the mountain)
Walks On Rocks: lower Shadow Lake
Walks On Rocks: East Fork Pahsimeroi Valley
Walks On Rocks: Tree stripes on talus
Walks On Rocks: Climbing pass #2
Walks On Rocks: unnamed lake at the head of Christian Gulch
Walks On Rocks: Bighorn Sheep above Shadow Lakes
Walks On Rocks: valley of Long Lost Creek
Walks On Rocks: viewing southeast from above Methodist Gulch
Walks On Rocks: viewing north from above Methodist Gulch
Walks On Rocks: folded limestone headwall
Walks On Rocks: limestone meadows and summits
Walks On Rocks: head of Methodist Gulch
Walks On Rocks: headwall over Shadow Lakes
Walks On Rocks: descending from the alpine at dusk
Walks On Rocks: east shoulder of Jaggle
Walks On Rocks: looking south from Jaggle Peak
Walks On Rocks: looking north from Jaggle Peak
Walks On Rocks: Storm over Dickey Peak
Walks On Rocks: Elk on the east shoulder of Jaggle
Walks On Rocks: Expedition Route Map: Lost River Range
Walks On Rocks: Bear Creek Lake
Walks On Rocks: Bear Creek Lake, 1000ft below
Walks On Rocks: alpine fell-field above Shadow Lakes
Walks On Rocks: marine fossils in the Lost River Range
Walks On Rocks: First Light near Nolan Lake
Walks On Rocks: unnamed mountains above Nolan Lake
Walks On Rocks: Land without tundra