Erica _ Fischer: Error message on transparent LCD refrigerator door
Erica _ Fischer: This transparent refrigerator door is an LCD screen
Erica _ Fischer: Light rail tunnel between airport terminals
Erica _ Fischer: Do not immediately notify police
Erica _ Fischer: They really treat the light rail like a railroad
Erica _ Fischer: Flagship Target store atrium
Erica _ Fischer: Flagship Target store atrium
Erica _ Fischer: Hourly rates at flagship Target store parking
Erica _ Fischer: Flagship Target store parking
Erica _ Fischer: Parking garage as patio
Erica _ Fischer: "More parking" illuminated sign
Erica _ Fischer: Downtown surface parking blight
Erica _ Fischer: Oakland Apartments
Erica _ Fischer: City Hall from the other side
Erica _ Fischer: Left turn to nearside of tracks
Erica _ Fischer: City Hall tower
Erica _ Fischer: Milwaukee Road
Erica _ Fischer: No pedestrians, pointing the wrong direction
Erica _ Fischer: Waterfalls from bridge
Erica _ Fischer: Mississippi River waterfalls
Erica _ Fischer: 1887 King Iron bridge
Erica _ Fischer: Nye's Polonaise Room and Chopin Dining Room
Erica _ Fischer: New construction doing a decent job
Erica _ Fischer: It's a bank! It's a pizza place! It's a consulate! All in one.
Erica _ Fischer: Mississippi Mile sign
Erica _ Fischer: Telephone Building
Erica _ Fischer: Bike boulevard stencil, MRT and bike wayfinding signs
Erica _ Fischer: Contraflow bike lane on 5th Street
Erica _ Fischer: SE 5th St bike boulevard street sign
Erica _ Fischer: Truck detour south Minnesota state highway 65