Erica _ Fischer: Rockridge
Erica _ Fischer: Rockridge Fights Back
Erica _ Fischer: BART: Forcing the Mission Underground
Erica _ Fischer: BART: Forcing the Mission Underground
Erica _ Fischer: Rockridge: BART undermines a unique Oakland neighborhood
Erica _ Fischer: Rockridge: BART undermines a unique Oakland neighborhood
Erica _ Fischer: Rockridge: BART undermines a unique Oakland neighborhood
Erica _ Fischer: Rockridge: BART undermines a unique Oakland neighborhood
Erica _ Fischer: Harvey Milk for Supervisor ad
Erica _ Fischer: All kinds of people with telephones in their pockets
Erica _ Fischer: Farewell to Albany Hill
Erica _ Fischer: Farewell to Albany Hill
Erica _ Fischer: Cheap Places to Park
Erica _ Fischer: What are BART and SP up to?
Erica _ Fischer: BART: Steve Bechtel's $2 Billion Toy
Erica _ Fischer: District election of supervisors
Erica _ Fischer: And the Highrises begat yet more highrises
Erica _ Fischer: Manhattanization: Full Speed Ahead
Erica _ Fischer: The Evidence on Redlining
Erica _ Fischer: The Evidence on Redlining
Erica _ Fischer: Guardian endorses Willie Brown
Erica _ Fischer: The Ultimate Highrise: height limits
Erica _ Fischer: The Ultimate Highrise: chamber's bull market
Erica _ Fischer: The Ultimate Highrise: cover
Erica _ Fischer: The Ultimate Highrise: ripple out effect
Erica _ Fischer: The Ultimate Highrise: Western Addition, Richmond, Marina
Erica _ Fischer: The Ultimate Highrise: Mission, Bayshore, Twin Peaks, Sunset