Erica _ Fischer: Jagged end of the old bridge
Erica _ Fischer: Lower deck of the old bridge
Erica _ Fischer: A group carrying a cross down the bridge
Erica _ Fischer: Looking down the new and old bridges
Erica _ Fischer: Looking back at the old bridge
Erica _ Fischer: Crowd admires the suspension tower
Erica _ Fischer: The end of the road
Erica _ Fischer: Looking up at the old and new bridges
Erica _ Fischer: I didn't know California did yellow tabs for left exits
Erica _ Fischer: The old bridge
Erica _ Fischer: Walking the dog up the bridge
Erica _ Fischer: Stub of the future permanent path access ramp
Erica _ Fischer: Looking down at the end of the old bridge
Erica _ Fischer: Looking down the temporary ramp to the path
Erica _ Fischer: Old bridge rubble on the right; temporary ramp to the path in the distance
Erica _ Fischer: No Island Access sign
Erica _ Fischer: Bay Trail wayfinding
Erica _ Fischer: Line of cones along the 40th Street/Shellmound bike lane