Erica _ Fischer: Europa, mapa político
Erica _ Fischer: Welcome to Utah and the Exciting '70s
Erica _ Fischer: RCA Worldwide Radiotelegraph System
Erica _ Fischer: Haptic Lab San Francisco map blanket
Erica _ Fischer: Map pants
Erica _ Fischer: San Francisco-shaped pie chart (San Francisco Greenhouse Gas Emissions in 2008)
Erica _ Fischer: Map Van
Erica _ Fischer: Roadside rest area maps courtesy of DeLorme Street Atlas USA Computer Program
Erica _ Fischer: Welcome to the Town of Sweet Pickles (1977)
Erica _ Fischer: These are strange corridors for phone service coverage
Erica _ Fischer: Interstate 380 extension, Skyline Boulevard freeway
Erica _ Fischer: Interstate 280 extension
Erica _ Fischer: Bay Area map shirt
Erica _ Fischer: Dot density ethnicity maps date back at least to 1986
Erica _ Fischer: Bathymetric San Francisco bay model
Erica _ Fischer: State shape license plates
Erica _ Fischer: San Francisco 2 No. 34 by Andreina Davis
Erica _ Fischer: Arpanet Geographical Map in 1973 (1988)
Erica _ Fischer: Actual map pins
Erica _ Fischer: Stamen maps the world
Erica _ Fischer: United States political party affiliation map from Facebook