Erica _ Fischer: Bad signage for JFK AirTrain suggesting it was closed
Erica _ Fischer: JFK AirTrain turnstiles
Erica _ Fischer: MetroCard vending machines
Erica _ Fischer: Subway turnstiles
Erica _ Fischer: It Seemed Like A Good Idea at the Time
Erica _ Fischer: Construction site
Erica _ Fischer: "M" column at Hoyt Street station entrance
Erica _ Fischer: New mixed-case street sign for Bridge Street
Erica _ Fischer: Old all-caps street sign for Bridge Street
Erica _ Fischer: The Dime Savings Bank of Brooklyn
Erica _ Fischer: Rowhouses
Erica _ Fischer: Rowhouses
Erica _ Fischer: Rowhouses with bulging window grate
Erica _ Fischer: Pedestrian pushbutton removed
Erica _ Fischer: Pedestrian pushbutton removed
Erica _ Fischer: Rowhouses with bulging window grate
Erica _ Fischer: Rowhouse with tall first floor
Erica _ Fischer: Old sign for Lawrence Street
Erica _ Fischer: Old sign for Bridge Street
Erica _ Fischer: Old and new signs for Lawrence Street, Bridge Street, Willoughby Street
Erica _ Fischer: MetroCard vending machine, in accessible and regular versions
Erica _ Fischer: Subway entrance canopy
Erica _ Fischer: Washington Mews
Erica _ Fischer: Arch in Washington Square Park
Erica _ Fischer: Best Route South bike route sign
Erica _ Fischer: Rowhouse with shutters at Bedford and Grove Streets
Erica _ Fischer: Ornamental lamppost on Bedford Street
Erica _ Fischer: SWNY NYC Drinking Water Sampling Station
Erica _ Fischer: Gessner 1872
Erica _ Fischer: Stonewall Inn